Best Free Statistical Software For Mac

Part 1

  1. Free Software For Mac
  2. Best Free Statistical Analysis Software For Mac
  3. Best Free Statistical Software For Mac Computers
  4. Best Free Statistical Software For Mac
  5. Best Free Statistical Software For Macs
1. SQLiteManager

The Best Free and Open Source Software for Statistical Analysis February 9, 2016 September 21, 2015 We have already explained how Microsoft Excel can be used as a basic statistical analysis software. This user-friendly statistical software is free to download and works with Mac and Windows operating systems. Past provides users with a detailed manual to use statistical analysis software. Past can conduct multi-variate statistics with ease and accuracy. Other free general statistics software SageMath. 64-bit compatible Current Version: 8.7 Listing updated: 4-1-19 Size: 3.5 GB (yes, GB) SageMath is not specifically for statistics; it’s general math software, but it has the ability to do numerous statistical processes including graphing/plotting. It can be used for just about any type of math. The R Project for Statistical Computing. R is by far the most widely used free statistical.

Features and functions:

· Thisfree database software for Macprovides a complete support platform for REALSQL servers.

· The SQLiteManager not just supports SQLite2 and SQLLite3, but also supports the conversion of a SQLite2 database into one of SQLite3.


Free Software For Mac

· This database software provides certain advanced features that have been built into the software, such as query optimizer, language reference and virtual machine analyzer, etc.


Pros of SQLiteManager:

· Most database operations - be it insert, delete, table view, triggers - all are handled effectively by SQLiteManager. Tables can be dropped, created, or renamed with no hindrance.

· This database software not just helps as a query machine but also helps generate reports effectively.

· Blob data can be read and shown by SQLiteManager in TIFF, JPEG, or QuickTime format.

· Importing and/or exporting mechanism is effectively handled.

Cons of SQLiteManager:

· Although frequently used SQL queries are specially categorized, it is a drawback that frequently used databases are not listed up separately. Using the file dialogue each time does get tedious.

Best Free Statistical Analysis Software For Mac

· This database manager works perfect for simple queries but fails to handle complex or large filter criteria.

User comments/reviews:

· SQLiteManager is a fairly thorough app. It provides a neat GUI into SQLite if you know your SQL.

· It offers basic data viewing/editing facilities.

· Unlike many alternative applications, SQLiteManager does open SQLite database files on AppleShare volumes, uses a proper Mac OS Cocoa GUI (not ugly Java) and allows editing of views.



Dear Human Being,

Best Free Statistical Software For Mac Computers

Last year was the “Year of Statistics” — so what did you do about it?

Most likely cried yourself to sleep in a corner, or spent your days struggling with statistical software designed by evil elves to make your mind implode.

Today, the power of statistics seems to be reserved for experts with advanced degrees and employers with deep pockets. And that’s a shame, because data plus statistics equals knowledge, and as the saying goes, knowledge is power. That power should belong to everyone, not just a privileged few.

Well, I have some good news. I’ve designed a new kind of statistics program. It’s designed for you. That’s right… you! Because it doesn’t matter whether you’re a seasoned statistician, or are just getting started with data analysis. I know that you want a program that’s easy to use, that produces research-quality output, and that gives you advanced insights instantly.

The program is called Wizard, and to be perfectly honest with you, I think it’s the most exciting desktop software since the spreadsheet. Wizard is built from the ground up to make data analysis… well, pleasant. Approachable. Easy on the eyes. You won’t find any command line or programming language in Wizard. To summarize a variable… just click on it. You’ll instantly see a picture like this:

Wizard knows what you want based on context. And Wizard runs appropriate statistical tests to give you the answers you’re looking for, even if you don’t know exactly the right question to ask.

So if you’re new to statistical computing, you’ll find that Wizard is the absolute best choice for your first statistics program. Bar-none, hands-down, no question about it. Wizard has a gentle learning curve, and mistakes are difficult to make with Wizard’s intuitive, informative interface.

If you’re a business user, you’ll love Wizard’s ability to export PDF graphics and interactive Excel spreadsheets. Wizard will help you present and explain statistical findings, and assist colleagues in making better business decisions using Wizard’s powerful modeling techniques.

Best Free Statistical Software For Mac

Finally, professional researchers will find that Wizard Pro is an excellent companion to SAS, Stata, and SPSS, helping you to do more research in less time. All versions of Wizard have advanced analytic capabilities, including:

  • Multivariate modeling
  • Multi-core computation
  • Sophisticated regression options
  • No artifical limits on the size of your data

If you ever need more than Wizard can offer, the Pro version lets you copy-paste generated commands from Wizard into your favorite stats program and take it from there. But you may never need to: Wizard handles millions of rows of data with ease.

I could go on about how great Wizard is, but nothing explains Wizard better than the fun and excitement of using Wizard for the first time. So go ahead: download the free trial and start experiencing the joy of Wizard for yourself.

The statistical revolution is finally here… and lucky for you, it’s easy to use!


Evan Miller
Wizard creator

Best Free Statistical Software For Macs

PS- Wizard is only available for Mac, but if you’re reading this on a PC, consider this: for the price of high-end statistics software, you can buy Wizard and still have enough money left over for a top-of-the-line MacBook Air or MacBook Pro. Amazing, isn’t it?